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- Written by: Fabio Bella
- Category: Italian Information
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- Hits: 941
The annual Workshop on Automotive Software & System organized by Automotive SPIN Italia has become a valuable opportunity for the Italian Automotive community to discuss and network.
In February 2020, the Workshop on Automotive Software & System reached its 17th edition. The participation in the workshop and the quality of the speeches have grown year by year.
Unfortunately, this year it will be impossible to organize a so participated event in presence.
The Automotive SPIN Italia Management board decided to temporarily adopt a new workshop format but with the traditional spirit of Automotive SPIN Italia, characterized by an informal and interactive environment with a strong focus on topics of interest for practitioners. In the year 2021, a series of online events will be organized:
Automotive SPIN Italia Online Workshops
The Automotive SPIN Italia Online Workshops will have a shorter duration, will be focused on a specific topic, and will assure the possibility of interaction among attendants. The attendance, as usual, will be free of charge.
Automotive SPIN Italia is looking for contributions (abstracts or presentation proposals) for the Automotive SPIN Italia Online Workshops of 2021.
Contribution proposals for the Automotive SPIN Italia Online Workshop may concern various topics relating to software in the automotive field, such as:
- Cyber-security in Automotive
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems)
- Issues from the application of Automotive® SPICE 3.1
- ISO 26262: Practical experiences, open issues, liability and legal aspects
- Integrated approaches of functional safety and cyber-security in automotive
- Development process improvement: experiences, lessons learned e success stories
- Agile approach in automotive software development
- Connected vehicles
Contribution proposals can be sent within March 31, 2021 to
The first Automotive SPIN Online Workshop will take place on May 27, 2021, from 10:00 to 13:00.
The specific topic of the Online Workshop, the program, and the means to participate will be announced soon.
Updates on www.automotive-spin.it
- Details
- Written by: Fabio Bella
- Category: Italian Information
- Published:
- Last Updated:
- Hits: 2556
The 14th Workshop of Automotive SPIN Italia (www.automotive-spin.it) will take place in Milan at the Hotel Four Points by Sheraton (via Cardano, 1) on November 10, 2016.
Participation is free of charge. Please, register at the latest on November 8 by sending an email to giuseppe.lami[at]isti.cnr.it.
You can view the programm of the event here.
- Details
- Written by: Fabio Bella
- Category: Italian Information
- Published:
- Last Updated:
- Hits: 3758