iNTACS and VDA QMC accepted to perform assessments and trainings completely online.
To ensure the high-quality expectations of intacs®, the current rules apply until further notice:
For the following training courses, the online and onsite execution (including online and onsite exams) is allowed:
- intacs® certified Provisional Assessor
- intacs® certified Competent Assessor *)
- intacs® Introduction to VDA Automotive SPICE® Guidelines
- intacs® Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity
For the following observations, the online and onsite execution is allowed:
- Competent Course Participant Observation
- Competent Assessor Candidate Observation (during an assessment) **)
- Instructor Observation ***)
For assessments, the online and onsite execution is allowed:
- The VDA Automotive SPICE® Guidelines v1.0 specify in chapter 8.3.1: "It is not appropriate to perform interviews for data collection only using phone and/or video conferences."
Due to the past and current COVID-19 related restrictions to meet in person, the forenamed requirement is suspended until further notice.
The VDA QMC project group thereby likes to foster the performance of assessments even during pandemic situations. - intacs® recommends following the Guideline for Remote Process Assessments:
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*) For the “intacs® certified Competent Assessor” training, there are mandatory rules for online performance:
- This training must be conducted via video conference, so the trainer is able to observe the participants.
- A tool must be used to allow working groups in separate sessions, between which the trainer can switch anytime.
**) For the “Competent Assessor Candidate Observation (during an assessment)”, there are mandatory rules for online performance:
- The observation must be conducted via video conference, so the observer is able to observe the behavior of the candidate as well as the reaction of the interviewees.
***) For the “Instructor Observation”, there are mandatory rules for online performance:
- This training must be conducted via video conference, so the observer is able to observe the Instructor candidate as well as the participants all the time.
- The latest Observation sheet must be filled-in by the Observer to document and maintain all necessary steps and results.
iNTACS is continuously working on updated procedures with additional requirements to ensure the quality of onsite and online activities also in the future. This includes the criteria for observers who have an important responsibility.