Assessors Certification

Certification Bodies are currently the VDA QMC for the automotive domain and the ECQA for all other domains. Please submit your certification documents or re-certification documents to the respective Certification Body. You can find more information further down on this website.



intacs® Benefits

Individuals becoming an Expert or Assessor
  1. You can be sure that you are trained by an accredited training provider with approved up-to-date training material reflecting the latest technical community knowledge.
  2. You have access to the list of these training providers and instructors.
  3. You can rely on instructors to be the most experienced assessors (Principal grade, see below) in the community who have extensive training experience.
Professional Assessors/Auditors
  1. You receive a recognized certificate to offer your services to otherwise inaccessible markets.
  2. You become part of an international network thereby getting early access to information about the advancing ISO/IEC 33xxx, new models, events, and information sources.
  3. You can actively contribute to the intacs® standards.
Industry domain experts
  1. You can have your assessment model or reference model promoted at an international level.
  2. You can get help for designing a new assessment model by capitalizing on the experiences in the international expert network.
Managers and Project Leaders
  1. You can rely on assessment team leaders and co-assessors who have undergone a high-level qualification path, have comparable knowledge and have sufficient experience to help to improve your business
  2. You have access to the list of certified Assessors and Instructors.
  3. You can be sure that personnel becomes assessors by accredited training providers with materials according to the latest technical knowledge and practical experiences.

Certification Focus Areas

Expert and Assessor Certification

To demonstrate and validate your qualification, intacs® defines a complete set of steps for interested Assessors to be followed.

  1. Training Courses with Exam
  2. Guidance to implement knowledge into practical experience
  3. Record Evidences 
  4. Certification of the above

Please contact your Certification Body (VDA-QMC or ECQA) to receive more information and to enter into the process of becoming intacs® certified Assessor. After certification the qualification levels are:

  • intacs® Process Expert (Automotive SPICE®)
  • intacs® Provisional Assessor (Automotive SPICE®)
  • intacs® Competent Assessor (Automotive SPICE®)
  • intacs® Principal Assessor (Automotive SPICE®)
  • intacs® Instructor provisional level (Automotive SPICE®)
  • intacs® Instructor competent level (Automotive SPICE®)

The lead of assessments is possible from the Competent Assessor level upwards. Competent assessors has demonstrated the competencies to conduct an assessment and to monitor and verify the conformance of a process assessment (ISO/IEC 33001:2015 3.2.12).

Certification Bodies and Accreditation Bodies

Certification Bodies for assessor certification and Accreditation Bodies for Training Provider accreditation are currently the VDA QMC for the automotive domain and the ECQA for all other domains. 



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intacs® accepted Events and Boards for EE-xx

For the following events EE-EP for participation in, and EE-AC for contributions related to SPICE are already ACCEPTED by intacs®:

  • Gate4SPICE
  • VDA Automotive SYS Conferences (Germany, China)
  • EuroSPI Conference
  • Nippon SPICE Network Conference
  • Korean SPICE Network Conference
  • Chinese SPICE Network Conference
  • ASCON Asian SPICE Conferene

Contributions to the following boards have been ACCEPTED by intacs® for EE-AC:

  • iNTACS e.V. Advisory Board
  • iNTACS e.V. Working Groups
  • VDA Working Group 13
  • Software Quality Advisory Board China (SWQ AB China)
  • ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG10 (ISO/IEC 330xx) 

Following list contains NOT ACCEPTED events and boards for any EE:

  • Program committee membership
  • Coordinators or organizers of events
  • Standard SPICE trainings other than Provisional and Competent Assessor trainings
  • Standard SPICE lectures at universities or similar facilities with limited access

If you feel that an important event or board is missing, please provide your proposal by mail to advisory(at)



Currently, the following training courses have been published and will be maintained by the Working Group „Training Maintenace “:

  • intacs® Certified Process Expert (Automotive SPICE®) -> PE (from 1st October 2024)
  • intacs® Certified Provisional Assessor (Automotive SPICE®) -> PA
  • intacs® Certified Competent Assessor (Automotive SPICE®) -> CA

Currently, the following extension training is available, not all for Automotive SPICE®. Changes shall be agreed with the related Working Groups of the extension:

  • Agile SPICE
  • Cyber Security SPICE
  • Data Management SPICE
  • Hardware SPICE
  • Machine Learning SPICE (from October-20245
  • SPICE for IT Service
  • SPICE for Mechanical Engineering
  • Test SPICE

If you own a valid Training Provider license, you may download released training material.

Training Provider Accreditation

Training Organization wanting to offer intacs® based Training Courses and participate in the success of the intacs® Certification Scheme are invited to enter the Accreditation Process of intacs® with the following steps:

  1. Educate Trainers, i.e. Trainers need to be intacs® certified Principal Assessors
  2. Familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of Intacs
  3. License the intacs® set of Trainer Material
  4. Organize an observation of the trainer candidate
  5. Contact your intacs® Accreditation Body (VDA-QMC or ECQA)
  6. Apply for intacs accredited Training Organization.

Contact your Accreditation Body if you have any further questions.

Working Groups

Working Groups are organized intacs projects, lead by 1 experienced Assessor with a direct connection to the Advisory Board.

Research work is the main topic of working groups, but some deal with administrative needs.

Experienced Assessors and Professionals are very welcome to participate in a Working Group and help to make intacs better. 

Please contact the Working Group Leader of the desired Working Group to discuss participation 


Community Lists

Community Data is supplied by the Certification Bodies and the users of this system. Data is supplied without any warranty of the content. You may find the following information if you follow the Link:

  1. iNTACS e.V. Members
  2. Advisory Board
  3. Executive Board
  4. Regional Representatives
  5. Certified Experts
  6. Certified Assessors
  7. Certified Instructors
  8. Training Provider
  9. Certification and Accreditation Bodies


Selection of Community Listings

iNTACS e.V. Association

iNTACS e.V. ist a not-for-profit organization founded in 2006 and registered in Berlin. Some organizations from the market joined this new association, especially the Bootstrap Institute.

The International Assessor Certification Scheme e.V. is a committee of experts devoted to developing ISO/IEC 15504 further and [to dealing with related] professionally employed standards and subjects. Professionals from the production industry, consulting and training firms, universities and scientific establishments as well as organizations and associations work together in the committee.

The purpose of iNTACS e.V. is the promotion of professional further education as well as the further development of standard ISO/IEC 15504 and [dealing with related] professionally employed standards and subjects. The purpose of these articles of association shall be served in particular as follows:

  • The support and cooperation, in terms of contents, in the development and further development of standard ISO/IEC 15504 and [related] professionally employed standards and subjects.
  • The support of accreditation and examination programs for the continued education and certification of ISO/IEC 15504 assessors, as well as assessors and related professionally employed standards. This especially includes the creation, further development and up-dating of accreditation and examination guidelines as well as the appointment of certification and accreditation bodies.
  • The creation, updating and release of syllabi and examination questions for the education and further education of assessors (experts) according to this standard as well as related professionally employed standards.

The organs of iNTACS e.V. are:

  1. iNTACS has regular members and sponsoring members
  2. The Executive Board represents the Organization and runs the association
  3. The Member Meeting is held on yearly basis
  4. The Advisory Board is a group of Experts to manage the interest Groups and consolidate the functional opinion of intacs