- Details
- Geschrieben von: Kwangho Che
- Kategorie: Japanese Information
- Veröffentlicht:
- Zuletzt aktualisiert:
- Zugriffe: 86
Details of ASCON are being updated daily with spekaers' name, presentation title, etc.
Please keep updated with the latest information from ASCON at below link;
Registration is planned to start in October.
For application / inquiry,
- Details
- Geschrieben von: Kwangho Che
- Kategorie: Japanese Information
- Veröffentlicht:
- Zuletzt aktualisiert:
- Zugriffe: 213
Hello everyone!
We, Nippon SPICE Network are delighted to announce that we will organize "Asian SPICE Conference (ASCON)" for the very first time in our history since 2010.
It will take place in Nagoya Japan on 21st-22nd November, featuring such gorgeous speakers as CARIAD, Honda, Horizon, Hyundai-Kia, intacs, JAMA, JAXA, Mercedes-Benz, Nio, Nissan, Samsung Electronics, etc.
This first commemorable conference is supported by all intacs Asian regional representatives (China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore) as well as intacs Advisory Board, as program committee.members.
We are proud of 3 reasons for you to join this conference;
1. Online participation possible
Of course we love to have you at the venue and inspire each other face to face, but online participation is also possible for easy accessibility.
2. All in English
All presentations will be written and spoken in English. Japanese translation is provided from the conference office and some other languages may be also supported by each country's ASPICE Network.
3. Reasonable participation fee (27,500JPY)
The same price applies for either online or onsite participation. The presentations will be recorded and their videos will be available for some weeks.
For application / inquiry,
For more information, https://ascon.nspice.net
We look forward to your participation!!
- Details
- Geschrieben von: André Zeh
- Kategorie: Japanese Information
- Veröffentlicht:
- Zuletzt aktualisiert:
- Zugriffe: 990
We present intacs® SPICE for Mechanical Engineering - now with a Japanese translation.
The Japanese translation of ME SPICE shows the worldwide interest in this guideline.
Please review this version critically - especially in terms of correct translation.
SPICE for Mechanical Engineering Release 1.7-Japanese
Please let us know your feedback.
- Details
- Geschrieben von: Kazunari Tabuchi
- Kategorie: Japanese Information
- Veröffentlicht:
- Zuletzt aktualisiert:
- Zugriffe: 1873
32nd Regular meeting : 2020-7-3, Online
NSPICE Camp 2020 : 2020-9-24 to 25, Nagoya
33rd Regular meeting : 2020-12-18, Online or Osaka
34th Study meeting : 2021-2-5, Hiroshima
NSPICE.NET 10th Annual Schedule
28th Regular meeting : 2019-4-20, Nagoya
29th Regular meeting : 2019-8-2, Tokyo
NSPICE Camp 2019 : 2019-10-24 to 25, Shiga
30th Study meeting : 2019-12-13, Hiroshima
31st Regular meeting : 2020-1-17, Osaka
- Details
- Geschrieben von: Kazunari Tabuchi
- Kategorie: Japanese Information
- Veröffentlicht:
- Zuletzt aktualisiert:
- Zugriffe: 2059
25th Regular meeting : 2018-4-20, Nagoya
26th Regular meeting : 2018-7-20, Tokyo
NSPICE Camp 2018 : 2018-10-4 to 5, Miyagi
27th Regular meeting : 2018-11-30, Osaka
3rd NSPICE Conference : 2019-3-22, Nagoya