SPICE History, SPICE Models, International Community somelongtesttext


intacs® Scheme, Procedures, Templates, List of Assessors, Trainers, iNTACS Members


The platform for experience exchange of intacs® certified Assessors with other Assessors and industry


The Training Center introduces all aspects of intacs® certified training and Training Providers

1st NASPICE Conference 2025

The 1st NORTH AMERICA SPICE conference will take place from September 23-24 in Novi Michigan USA. We will keep you informed here.



ISO/IEC 33061 UPGRADE TRAINING in planning

iNTACS supports the organization of ISO/IEC33061 upgrade training. We are now collecting interested parties so that a training course can take place. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your Automotive SPICE® 4.0 upgrade information

Dear assessors, we have repeatedly found that not all Automotive SPICE® 4.0 upgrade information has been forwarded to the VDA QMC Certification Body. Please check your entry into our database and if it is incorrect, please send a copy of your certificate of competence to the VDA QMC - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

EB-AB Meeting in Würzburg 2025

The iNTACS Executive Board, Advisory Board and the heads of the working groups met for their annual meeting in week 02/2025. Important model topics such as regarding to Data Management SPICE, Organization SPICE and further development of the certification scheme were discussed. We will provide more details in the next  infoletter. 

iNTACS Vision and Mission

We are an independent and legally registered not-for-profit association.

We have open and transparent operations in an honorary capacity and global and multilingual presence. iNTACS e.V. is a non-profit association.

We improve the assessment performance

We want to reduce variations in the quality of assessment results and to make results more comparable.

intacs® Certification Scheme was set up in response to requests from industry and international ISO/IEC 15504 experts. The main objective was to ensure high-quality assessor qualification in the worldwide community for process assessment according to ISO/IEC 33xxx series. INTACS e.V. is the owner of the Certification Scheme. 

We respond to an industry demand

  • Setting training and certification standards for ISO/IEC 15504 assessors
  • Setting standards for maintaining assessor competence
  • Promoting assessment models and community interactions

intacs® is the scheme accepted by the automotive industry and the VDA AK 13 (Working Group responsible for defining process requirements for car manufacturers and n-tier suppliers).

The new updated ISO/IEC 33000 standard series covers process assessment in general.

Certification Bodies

Looking for certification, renewal, or initially, very often your first contact is the Certification Body.

iNTACS is setting up the rules and regulations, but the Certification Body is the one to verify experience evidence and assessment log.


The automotive domain is managed by VDA QMC Berlin and

all other domains are managed by ECQA GmbH Krems


intacs® World Wide

The intacs® assessor certification scheme has been spread its service and support over many countries in the world.  Any expert can be trained to become a assessor qualification and can be certified according to the intacs® scheme.

Trainings and exams are usually developed in English, but translation to local guide is available for many languages. 

The non-automotive domain has in 2024 in total 46 certified Assessors for ISO/IEC 15504, and SPICE for IT Services.

You can find the worldwide distribution of Automotive SPICE® assessors here (status September 2024):

Recent News

Current rules for online activities (status as of November 11th, 2022)

iNTACS and VDA QMC accepted to perform assessments and trainings completely online.

To ensure the high-quality expectations of intacs®, the current rules apply until further notice:

For the following training courses, the online and onsite execution (including online and onsite exams) is allowed:

  • intacs® certified Process Expert
  • intacs® certified Provisional Assessor
  • intacs® certified Competent Assessor *)
  • intacs® Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity, Hardware SPICE and Machine Learning

For the following observations, the online and onsite execution is allowed:

  • Competent Course Participant Observation
  • Competent Assessor Candidate Observation (during an assessment) **)
  • Instructor Observation ***)

For assessments, the online and onsite execution is allowed:

  • The VDA Automotive SPICE® Guidelines v2.0 specify in chapter 10.3.2: "In some cases it could be appropriate to perform interviews for data collection only using phone and/or video conferences." 
  • intacs® recommends following the Guideline for Remote Process Assessments: {rsfiles path="SPICE Documents/Guideline_for_Remote_Process_Assessments.pdf"}

*) For the “intacs® certified Competent Assessor” training, there are mandatory rules for online performance:

  • This training must be conducted via video conference, so the trainer is able to observe the participants (camera switched on).
  • A tool must be used to allow working groups in separate sessions, between which the trainer can switch anytime.

**) For the “Competent Assessor Candidate Observation (during an assessment)”, there are mandatory rules for online performance:

  • The observation must be conducted via video conference, so the observer is able to observe the behavior of the candidate as well as the reaction of the interviewees.

***) For the “Instructor Observation”, there are mandatory rules for online performance:

  • This training must be conducted via video conference, so the observer is able to observe the Instructor candidate as well as the participants all the time.
  • The latest Observation sheet must be filled-in by the Observer to document and maintain all necessary steps and results.

iNTACS is continuously working on updated procedures with additional requirements to ensure the quality of onsite and online activities also in the future. This includes the criteria for observers who have an important responsibility.


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ISO33xxx/intacs® or VDA/intacs® rules for qualification

intacs® certified assessors are qualified for all passed PAM specific trainings, Extension trainings and exams; domain specific qualifications may apply.

If extensions are assessed in an "official" assessment, one of the assessment team member must be a certified assessor and have taken part in the extension training and passed the exam.

Personal with technical expertise is not a substitute for the additional qualification (extension) for a qualified assessor, and can not be part of the assessment team. They are interview participants, but are not assessor substitutes.

"Official" assessments are those that are carried out according to the valid ISO33xxx/intacs® or VDA/intacs® rules and for which EEs are awarded.