What is SPICE?

Originally SPICE was a project funded by the European Union. The main goal of this project was to develop a counterpart to CMMI, especially focused on Small and Medium Enterprises.

SPICE is an abbreviation and stands for "Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination". Even if software development was the main driver of the initiative at that time, the "S" in SPICE is nowadays used for the entire system development.

The project was very successful and finally, ISO issued the standard series ISO 15504-x to support the future development of specific standards for all kinds of domains.

In the meantime, most parts of this standard have been replaced by the ISO 330xx series, and we have a choice from various Process Assessment Models. The focus of SPICE has widened to all Software-based Systems and to Operation and Maintenance processes.

To download the displayed documents, please log in to the website or register. 


Automotive SPICE

Automotive SPICE® is a domain-specific adaption of the International Standard ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE). The purpose of that PRM/PAM is the assessment of process capability. It is mainly used to evaluate the development processes of automotive suppliers of control units. The Potential Analysis model is also available.

If you need access to original definition standards, you may follow this link to Automotivespice.com and

Automotive SPICE® Veröffentlichungen – VDA QMC (vda-qmc.de)

Automotive SPICE® is a registered trademark of the VDA-QMC.

intacs® Hardware SPICE PRM/PAM version 3.0 was created to support electronic hardware development. Its main goals were:

Creation of a process reference and assessment model for electronic hardware development, which is

  1. Compliant with ISO/IEC 330xx and ISO/IEC15504-2
  2. Aligned with Automotive SPICE® 4.0
  3. Aligned with ISO 26262-1:2018 2ED and ISO 26262-5:2018 2Ed

The HWE.1 to HWE.4 processes in the intacs® Hardware SPICE version 3.0 are the model extension to Automotive SPICE® 4.0 and have some additional references to ISO 26262:2018.

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SPICE for Mechanical Engineering v2.0 PAM/PRM is designed to become the domain specific extension for Automotive SPICE® v4.0 for mechanical engineering. The process assessment model was completely revised and aligned with Automotive SPICE® 4.0. In addition system-V and component-V of SPICE for Mechanical Engineering v1.x have been merged into the processes MEE:1 to MEE.5.

The JP-version 1.7 is the Japanese version and that there is currently no more recent version in this language. We are working on new translation.

Version 4.00 of Organization SPICE PRM/PAM has been released on 2024-12-13 by Advisory Board  and is now published.



Latest version of JAPAN AEROSPACE EXPLORATION AGENCY´s PAM has been released and is now also published here japanese and english language.

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Latest informations to VDI 5702 Medical device software Medical SPICE PAM can you find here.




Data Management is the set of all methodological, conceptual, organizational, technical measures and procedures for handling the resource "data“, with the aim of introducing them into business processes with their maximum potential for use

This PRM/PAM defines the fundamental business processes of data management capabilities. It is intended as a “state of the art” reference for process improvement. It defines a process assessment model (PAM) for the maturity of all types of data, data management, and for organizations processing data.

Data Management SPICE PRM_PAM v1.1.pdf
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SPICE for IT-Services

The purpose of this PRM/PAM is to provide a SPICE based Process Assessment Model for the Domain “IT Service Management”.

To promote & establish the application of this model in the strongly growing area of “connected car services”.

  • For this purpose, we want to enhance the model with domain specific reference processes and performance indicators for area of “connected car services”.

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Agile SPICE® shows a set of experiences collected in agile projects and being assessed following the Automotive SPICE® PRM/PAM.

Intacs has worked out guidance and bridges on how to understand the Automotive SPICE® definitions into the agile field.

Please note that the Japanese version 1.2. does not correspond to the current release status. The update will take place shortly - the master document is the English version 1.3.

Agile SPICE PAM v1.3 released.pdf
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Agile SPICE PAM v1.3 released_JP.pdf
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Cybersecurity SPICE was created to ientify and manage risks based on regulations i.e. UNECE regulation R155 .

This PRM/PAM is a model extension to Automotive SPICE® 4.0.

Test SPICE V4 has been released and is a strong PAM if you need to focus your Assessment to the testing area. Main benefits are:

  1. Complete Coverage of ISO/IEC 29119
  2. New process architecture allows scalability of assessments
  3. Includes agile projects with separate extension.

Following this link, you can access the TestSPICE PAM

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Modeling & Simulation SPICE is a domain-independent core PRM/PAM for systematic engineering of credible models and simulations within system development and operation. It is based on the Credible Simulation Process Framework (CSPF) from the prostep ivip association and is in line with Automotive SPICE® v4.0. Modeling & Simulation SPICE aims to:

  1. Ensure Compliance with relevant M&S standards and regulations
  2. Increase trust in M&S results and thus
  3. To enable and elevate industrial M&S use

Modeling and Simulation SPICE PAM v09.pdf
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International SPICE Communities and Networks

One of our main goals is to make intacs® visible all over the world. We have certified assessors in many countries, so we need an efficient way to keep them up to date with all the innovations and changes and to get feedback so we can continuously improve our scheme.
Therefore, the Internationalization Working Group establishes contacts with companies, industry representatives and community members in all countries to promote the intacs® program.
In addition, regional representatives are appointed to act as local contacts and communicate directly with the local intacs® assessors .If you would like to publish SPICE activities from your country or region, please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

North American SPICE Network