Location:PRIMUS Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao
Price:3,000 RMB/person (including lunch of the conference day and evening event), discount for VDA QMC China members and QMA China members: 2,400 RMB/person
For registration please contact:Ms. Cao、Ms. Guo / Tel:010-65900067-221/021-62565183-819 / Email:
Or you can scan below QR code before 6PM, Oct. 15th to complete your application.
单价:3,000 元 / 人(包含两天会期午餐及招待酒会),VDA QMC China 会员单位及 QMA 中国成员公司可享受折扣价:2,400元 / 人
如需报名请联系:曹女士、过女士 / 电话:010-65900067-221/021-62565183-819 / 邮箱: