2024-04-24-Gate4SPICE Event "Optimizing the Integration of standards e.g. A-SPICE, ISO 26262, Cybersecurity, …"ONSITE

From 24.04.2024 09:00 until 24.04.2024 16:30

At Bâtiment A 1 Allée Pierre Burelle, 92593 Levallois-Perret, France

Posted by G4S Editor

Categories: G4S Events

Hits: 713

Brief description

Kugler Maag CIE by UL Solutions in conjunction with Platic Omnium is inviting you to an in-person Gate4SPICE event on April 24th 2024, in Levallois Perret, at Plastic Omnium HQ.
This G4S is the second event organized in France. Since we are still in the early phase of the transition towards Automotive SPICE 4.0, this event will be covering this topic as well as topics that were chosen by the communitity during survey and calls namely integration of standards like A-SPICE, Functional Safety, Cybersecurity.
This event will be held at Plastic Omnium , Bâtiment A 1 Allée Pierre Burelle, 92593 Levallois-Perret, France.

This event will be held in French language.



 Start End Topic Owner
09:00  09:30 Registration  Christophe Debou, Kugler Maag Cie by UL Solutions 
09:30 09:45 Deep Dive into the Guidelines 2.0 Christophe Debou, Kugler Maag Cie by UL Solutions 
09:45 10:30 Latest news around Automotive SPICE® 4.0 
Deep Dive into the Guidelines 2.0  
Christophe Debou, Kugler Maag Cie by UL Solutions 
10:30 10:45 Coffee Break   
10:45 11:30 Title to be confirmed  Plastic Omnium 
11:30 12:15 Automotive SPICE® & ISO26262 : Comparison, differences & Complementarities. Avenues to combine  Jérome Bouquet (Renault, Ampère) 
12:15 13:30 Lunch Break and Networking   
13:30 13:45 Introduction and selection of working group topics*  Christophe Debou 
13:45 15:15 Working groups   
15:15 15:30 Coffee Break    
15:30 16:15 Presentation of working group results and group discussion
Identification of topics for next G4S / Workshops 
Working Group Leaders 
16:15 16:30 Closing & Feedback  
16:30   End  

How to register