2024-01-31-Gate4SPICE Event "Hybrid Projects and their Management" - ONSITE

From 31.01.2024 09:30 until 31.01.2024 16:45
Posted by G4S Editor
Categories: G4S Events
Hits: 1142

Brief description

We want to have a look at projects, which are running partly agile.

What are the different possibilities from V-Cycle based too pure agile?

Discussion about the influence on the assessment or rating.

This event will be held in German language.


  • Host: EDAG Engineering GmbH
  • Organizer/Responsible for content: Jürgen Heinrich
  • Site: Das Götzfried
    • Wutzlhofen 1
    • 93057 Regensburg
  • Date: 31.01.2024 from 09:30 to 16:45 
  • Maximum number of participants: 25
  • Application until: 19.01.2024
  • Possibly hotel recommendations: 4-Sterne Hotel Götzfried Wellnesshotel Seminarhotel Tagungshotel Regensburg Bayern (hotel-goetzfried.de)
  • ONSITE: On the event, the organizer will distribute an attendance list. Only participants who have signed this list will receive an EE-EP certificate.
  • By registering for this G4S Event, you agree that your personal information (name, email address, assessor status) will be forwarded to the organizer of the respective G4S event.


 Start End Topic Owner
09:30  10:00 Registration  All 
10:00 10:15 Welcome Note  Markus Kirchmayer 
10:15 11:00 MAN.3 Basics and how they support Automotive SPICE® Alin Javorsky
11:00 11:15 Morning Break and Networking  All 
11:15 12:00 Hybrid project setups and their project management, what kind of mixtures are possible  Jürgen Heinrich 
12:00 12:45 Agile vs. V-Cycle: differences and similarities, how BPs are linked  Kai Breu
12:45 13:45 Lunch and Networking  All 
13:45 14:45 Group Work: What are your experiences with hybrid projects, positive and negative, what can be improved, how to rate  All
14:45 15:00 Afternoon Break and Networking  All 
15:00 16:00 Group Work: Where do you see the problem to fulfill MAN.3 in hybrid projects  All
16:00 16:30 Presentation of Results  All
16:30 16:45 Feedback and Fairwell All
16:45   End  

How to register

  • Go to the intacs Gate4SPICE page
  • Select the Event
  • Click the JOIN button.
  • In case the event is fully booked, a waiting list is maintained (contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.). If a place becomes free another attendee can take part.
  • Participation is prioritized for intacs certified assessors. Nevertheless, if free seats are available one week before the event, intacs.info users are welcome to participate and receive a confirmation email.